Slim's Healthy Kitchen , Our Environment & Sustainability

Minimising our impact on the world around us is a vital part of our daily mission @ Slim’s Healthy Kitchen. We aim to achieve this through simple, but effective steps.

Minimal Food Waste
We have introduced a new real time procurement and inventory system that is helping us to minimise wastage on a daily basis. Through staff training and implementation of tighter controls, we have reduced what we send to landfill in 2017/18 by 50%.

Our Packaging
We recognise the impact food packaging and the plastics used within food establishments can have on the environment and we know this is an issue within our business. Something we need to do is reduce our usage of plastic and move to more sustainable solutions.

We’re aiming to remove the use of plastics entirely from our stores by April 2020.

Localised Supplier Network
We use local produce wherever we can. We are passionate about using local producers for our fruit, veg and meat products where possible. We have reduced the number of suppliers from 15 to 3 for the vast majority of our purchases, as well as moving to 3 ordering days as we’re conscious of the footprint our suppliers leave during transportation.

LED Lighting
An LED light typically uses 90% less energy than an equivalent incandescent or halogen bulb. We are in the process of changing all of our lamps to LED. Energy demand decreases and therefore less power is required in the first place (we use less). LED lighting helps the environment because the bulbs themselves can be recycled unlike conventional lamps.

Why not sooner I hear you say?
Unfortunately, sustainability is a complex issue and sadly we can’t change things overnight! We are currently investing a lot of time into researching the right fit products for both environment and keeping our food fresh. We have made a start and are committed to making changes as quickly as possible.


A number of our packaging items, like napkins and coffee sleeves, are made from recycled materials and are 100% bio-degradable.

All of the plastics we use are widely recyclable.
We are in the process of removing plastic straws and packaging and replacing

them with a compostable solution. Some of our stores are currently trialing

new packaging items.
In all of our stores we are phasing out the use of disposable single-use cups

for sit in and moving to compostable cups for takeaway.
From the 1st of October 2018, we will eradicate the use of disposable cups

and straws for sit in customers.
From the 1st of October 2018, we will offer a 25p discount for people using a

reusable cup on any hot drink, juice or smoothie.

The Tomorrow:
We will continue to consider the environment and our impact as a company in all that we do; it will help us form decisions on growth, menu changes and new products as well as how we can make the planet better.

If you have any suggestions, then please do get in touch; the more ideas the better!